Debian dpkgのデバッグ機能




# dpkg -Dh
dpkg debugging option, --debug=<octal> or -D<octal>:

 number  ref. in source   description
      1   general           Generally helpful progress information
      2   scripts           Invocation and status of maintainer scripts
     10   eachfile          Output for each file processed
    100   eachfiledetail    Lots of output for each file processed
     20   conff             Output for each configuration file
    200   conffdetail       Lots of output for each configuration file
     40   depcon            Dependencies and conflicts
    400   depcondetail      Lots of dependencies/conflicts output
   1000   veryverbose       Lots of drivel about eg the dpkg/info directory
   2000   stupidlyverbose   Insane amounts of drivel

Debugging options are be mixed using bitwise-or.
Note that the meanings and values are subject to change.


#dpkg -D2 -i hogehoge.deb